Consultation on new standard

FOODSERVICE OPERATORS are being urged to have their say in the future development of the LEAF Marque Global Standard.


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The environmental farming charity, LEAF, is embarking on a two phase consultation of its LEAF Marque Global Standard. LEAF Marque is a global food standard which shows that food has been produced to the highest standards of environmental care. It is a higher level scheme that builds upon the ‘foundation’ assurance schemes such Red Tractor Farm Assurance  and GLOBALGAP.


The LEAF Marque standard is reviewed every two years to ensure it remains robust, keeps abreast of current policy and technical developments and is fit for purpose.



Technical manager Anthony Goggin said it was critical to get broad stakeholder involvement in its update.



“We want to hear from farmers, growers, environmentalists, NGOs, scientists, consumer organisations, wider food industry and the general public,” he explained. “We will be seeking views on a whole range of issues from the overall content of the standard, its scope, clarity and long term applicability. There will be an opportunity for stakeholders to give constructive comments.”

Goggin added: “We want to know whether the standard goes far enough in addressing key areas such as soil conservation, water and energy efficiency and social  sustainability.”


The first part of the consultation closes on the 30th April 2012.  The second part will begin in June. To take part in the consultation, contact