Corporate Citizenship

To us corporate citizenship is about being a good business and ensuring responsible business practice, this does not change.


Corporate citizenship is our contribution to sustainable development which seeks to integrate economic, social and environmental factors into our every day business. It is not an aside but a way of doing things that is increasingly embedded in our business culture.

It is really important to remember that the breadth of issues which affect our clients, customers, local communities and the environment also impact our business and we are often in a privileged position to address them at all stages of the economic cycle.


When we look at diversity and inclusion we don’t view it as simply a one-off HR initiative, but more a long term journey that touches all areas of our business, including the products we purchase, the suppliers we work with, the teams we employ and develop, and the clients we serve. We are a people business and we rely on their diversity to serve a hugely diverse client and customer.


Our approach to environmental management is based on monitoring and measuring our impacts. We continue to make improvements in this area and since 2007 through our close relationship with our main logistics partner in the UK we have cut over 100,000 food deliveries to Sodexo sites out of our supply chain.

We continue to drive sustainable procurement initiatives such as adding 80 Red Tractor products to our product lists and in early 2009 we were the first contact caterer to obtain Marine Stewardship Council certificate across multiple education contracts.


Fundraising continues to grow from strength to strength within our organisation. Because our charity, the Sodexo Foundation, is aligned with our heritage our employees continue to rally around it and our contribution to the global Sodexo STOP Hunger campaign. So far this year our charity champions have raised more in nine months than the whole of last year.


In short, the state of the economy does not have an impact on our commitment to corporate citizenship as it is embedded in the day to day business of Sodexo.