Evolution – A Success Story

With sales going from strength to strength, the addition of more items and new colours, what are the factors that have made Dudson’s sustainably produced ‘Evolution’.


“Tableware purchasers have always been interested in practicality and value for money, and these remain primary considerations. However, other important factors now have a considerable influence on their final decision,” says Steve Walton, Sales Manager UK & Eire at Dudson.


“Fashion and food trends in our industry are very important and can play a vital role in reaching a buying decision. In the kitchen, along with the emphasis on local sourcing, there has been a move towards homely food and many traditional items have reappeared on the menu. The aesthetics of ‘Evolution’ fit perfectly into this style, because it was specifically designed with the hand-made appearance of thrown pottery. The variance in colour and glaze provides the perfect setting for the service of ‘homemade’ food and reflect the welcoming warmth of a traditional interior,” he says.


Over the last few years, we have seen a revolution within the hospitality sector, which has seen an increase in chefs sourcing local ingredients. Traceability and the associated confidence this provides has become a major element of planning a menu. The high profile of environmental concerns has also contributed to the renaissance of buying locally, as many hospitality professionals strive to reduce their carbon footprints. This philosophy has now been extended throughout many foodservice operations to include more than just the food.


According to Avril Gayne, hospitality Services and Control Manager at the Eden Project: “It’s not just the origins of our food and the impact on the environment we are passionate about. What excites us about ‘Evolution’ is the fact that, like our menus, ingredients are sourced locally whenever possible, supporting the community and keeping the production of carbon to a minimum.”

Dudson developed ‘Evolution’ with the prime objective of reducing the amount of carbon created during the manufacturing process. And, at 79%* fewer carbon emissions than the equivalent porcelain product, ‘Evolution’ is the ideal choice for foodservice operators who take an interest in ‘green’ issues and want to reduce their overall carbon footprint.


Dudson is also seeing an increased interest from clients who prefer to buy British manufactured tableware with quality standards they know and can trust. Imported products can initially seem cheaper, but with lower replacement rates and a minimum of time needed for the handling and transport of goods, tableware from Dudson proves time and again to be the financially viable option.

But buying British is not just about the product. It is also about reducing our impact on the environment and preserving resources for future generations. With many companies now bringing ‘green’ considerations into their purchasing policies, the reduction in product miles is also an important factor. Consumers are more environmentally conscious and will take into account a company’s environmental record or policy before making their own purchasing decisions. It is therefore increasingly important for foodservice operators to prove traceability and voice their environmental credentials in order retain market share.


The use of sustainably produced, British sourced tableware is as significant to a restaurant that takes sustainability issues seriously, as the provenance of the ingredients used in its kitchen. It is also likely to be just as important to its clientele.