Just 7% plan to do an apprenticeship

Apprenticeships still lag behind academic-based career paths as the preferred choice among young people, their parents and many UK employers.

In a poll conducted by YouGov for support services company Interserve, only 7% of 13- to 18-year-olds said they plan to do an apprenticeship. Almost three if four (72%) plan on going to university or college.

What’s more, only 27% of the parents quizzed believe an apprenticeship would be most useful for their children in pursuing a future career; this compared to 42% who feel that a university degree is the best option.

The survey also indicates a significant lack of awareness among small and medium-sized enterprises of the different types of apprenticeship schemes available – around a third (32%) had heard of a Higher or Degree level apprenticeship, compared to 46% of large businesses.

 The report shows the “image problem” that apprenticeships have at a time when the forthcoming Apprenticeship Levy has pushed the topic onto the business agenda, said Interserve chief executive Adrian Ringrose.