Meal deals laden with sugar

The “meal deals” found in high street retailers can contain up to 30 teaspoons of survey, according to an analysis published by Action on Sugar.

The campaigners claimed that the “majority of retailers” are failing to promote healthy choices for their customers.

For example, 72% of meal deal drinks sold at Morrisons are high (red) in sugar per drink; at Marks & Spencer it’s 38%. WHSmith does not even provide healthy snack options (for example fresh fruit) as part of its meal deals.

Action on Sugar said high sugar drinks, chocolate and sweets should be excluded from meal deals. Retailers should also consider not offering any other products labelled as “red” for sugar, salt or saturated fat.

Some of the retailers criticised in the report suggested the examples were not representative of what shoppers purchase.

Last week, a number of supermarkets, manufacturers, wholesalers and foodservice companies made commitments to include more vegetables in their products.