PM faces tough questions on green claims

THE PRIME Minister is likely to have a tough afternoon ahead when he faces questions later today from senior MPs on the Government’s environmental record.














The evidence session, in front of members of the Liaison Committee – the chairs of a number of Select Committees of MPs – will be a rare opportunity for MPs and members of the public to hear David Cameron speak on environmental issues.


Since becoming Prime Minister two and a half years ago, Mr Cameron has done little in public to defend his promise to lead the “greenest government ever”. In the summer he frustrated environmentalists by downgrading his first official speech on green issues from a keynote address to opening remarks.


But frustration has developed into concern, with the likes of Friends of the Earth suggesting that rather than live up to his earlier claims, the Prime Minister has buckled under pressure from the Chancellor and his Energy Secretary.


George Osborne, for instance, is proposing a new ‘dash for gas’ – that some fear will “bust through climate targets” – and attacking subsidies for renewable energy.


Meanwhile, the new Conservative Energy Minister has repeatedly spoken out against wind power, and confidence in the technology has been dented following months of uncertainty surrounding the Government’s energy policy.


This afternoon is the chance for Cameron to defend his decisions – and his government, said Friends of the Earth executive director Andy Atkins.


David Cameron’s flagship policy to champion the environment is rapidly sinking – torpedoed by his own cabinet colleagues while he stands silently by.


“Unless Mr Cameron takes urgent action his Government will go down in history as one that wrecked a golden opportunity to safeguard our environment – and failed to capitalise on a growing green economy and generate new jobs and investment.”