British Nutrition Foundation
Food chains join forces to cut sugar
Some of the high street’s biggest food chains have signed up to a series of new health targets including a 20% reduction in sugar by 2020. The alliance, which includes Caffè Nero, Costa, Greggs, McDonald’s and Mitchells & Butlers, has… Read More
Digesting the diet debate
CAVE PAINTINGS never showed people eating carrots – so the argument for meat eating goes. In fact, humans remained largely carnivorous until fairly recently. Today, our simple gut of a single stomach, medium-length small intestine and short colon is “typical of… Read More
Could chefs make sustainable food sexy?
CELEBRITY CHEFS were recently branded as a “hidden contributing factor to Britain’s obesity epidemic” in a paper published in the Food and Public Health journal. Their recipes contained “excessive amounts of total fat, sugars and salt” which were influencing the… Read More
Balancing the nutrition, health and wellness equation
THE MAJORITY of consumers today are well aware of the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle but, when it comes to the question of nutrition and health, one has to wonder whether we are equally cognisant of just how important… Read More
New health & wellbeing training
THE BRITISH Nutrition Foundation (BNF) has launched an online training package for use in corporate health and wellbeing programmes. An Introduction to Healthy Eating and Nutrition is designed to verse employees in the basics of nutrition and healthy lifestyles. It… Read More