“We must phase out fossil fuel use” says IPCC
IN A report out this week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a stark warning that the use of fossil fuels must be phased out to avoid “severe, pervasive and irreversible” damage. … Read More
Time to ring the changes
FOOD BUSINESSES need to look closely at three climate reports which show we need a new model now to feed the world by 2050, says Duncan Williamson. Three recent reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) clearly spell out the dangers… Read More
Buildings and infrastructure ill-prepared for changing climate
THE RESILIANCE of transport networks, homes, hospitals and water supplies in England need to be enhanced to counter the more frequent and severe flooding and heatwaves that can be expected in future. This is the key finding of a new… Read More
Developed countries must stop exporting climate change
WWF HAS called on developed countries to clean up their act for good by immediately and publicly committing to end all forms of export credit support for coal. This call comes as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)… Read More
Packaging manufacturer calls for end to carbon-intensive packaging as new eco packaging study reveals up to 99% carbon reduction
NEW DATA comparing the embodied carbon in packaging materials reveals huge carbon savings for renewable materials over carbon-intensive plastics. As the UN calls for a “massive shift” to renewable energy away from ‘dirty’ fuels, eco packaging firm Vegware calls for… Read More
Emissions must be cut if we are to tackle hunger
COUNTRIES ACROSS the world must play their fair part in cutting emissions if we are to prevent millions more people going hungry due to climate change, international agency Oxfam warns today. … Read More