Zero Heroes: Aramark receives Silver Zero Waste Award

ARAMARKS COMMITMENT to reducing waste to landfill has been recognised with a ‘silver’ accolade in the Zero Waste Awards.











The award, given for Aramark’s work at BP’s North Sea Headquarters at Dyce, Aberdeen, recognises the major advances achieved at the site where the percentage of waste diverted from landfill has risen from 72% in 2012 to more than 95% now.


Organised by, the UK-wide awards scheme is open to all groups from the private and public sectors as well as communities and charities – anyone who produces or processes waste.


Among other aims, the awards exist to showcase innovation and recognise best practice in driving down waste, and to inspire and encourage organisations to commit to achieving zero waste.


Willie Rowell, Aramark’s Account Director at BP in Aberdeen, said: “We’ve made fantastic strides at BP and are thrilled to have received this award, but we’re not complacent and will continue to make progress at the site until we reach zero waste to landfill.”