Now open for entries, The Drinks Sustainability Awards 2025 is the barometer for sustainability and responsible business practice for the drinks industry in the On Trade. These awards will be open for entries until July 1st.
You can visit the 2025 Drinks Sustainability Awards platform HERE
Presentation of the 2024 awards took place at the annual Drinks Sustainability Awards Dinner held at The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) on October 10th 2024.
You can view the Winners and Highly Commended HERE
You can see film of the 2024 event HERE
You can see images of the 2024 event HERE
More than ever before, organisations in the drinks sector must shout out about their corporate sustainability initiatives.
Few industries rely on raw materials, water, energy and packaging as much as those involved in the production of alcohol and soft drinks. Carbon outputs through manufacturing processes and distribution, not to mention the waste implications, are evidence of a global industry with a huge collective responsibility that is arguably more beholden to climate and environmental conditions than many others. Add to that the social agenda; the impact the drinks industry has on its constituents’ health, with the effects of excess alcohol and sugar consumption taking increasing chunks out of the NHS budget, along with other social aspects such as the living wage, gender, diversity and worker welfare.
The sustainability agenda is just so important in general and this is true for this sector in particular. The consumer is increasingly knowledgeable when it comes to sustainable business practice and it is now glaringly obvious that those organisations in the industry with a perceived environmental or ethical positive, will be the winners going forward.
The Drinks Sustainability Awards gives organisations the opportunity to show to their customers and the public at large, the steps they have taken to make their own contribution to the sustainability of both industry and planet.
How you manage your energy, waste or packaging; your sourcing, use of resources or logistics. Perhaps you have community impact initiatives or have promoted the social agenda in your organisation? Are you a sustainable producer or manufacturer who sees the On Trade as a key market?
These awards are open to drinks businesses, suppliers and stakeholders of all sizes operating in the On Trade: brand, manufacturer, supply chain, distributor or operator. Entries are judged by a panel of specialists in ESG, the drinks industry and hospitality, so if you are an organisation that is proud of an initiative or achievement in this field we would urge you to enter.