Responsible Business Recovery Forum

As a sector we’re now at the stage of pivoting from the crisis response to navigating our way through the ‘new normal’. Preparing for the future will be an opaque process. Getting it right is imperative and peer to peer learning will be absolutely vital, as will presenting a united front in the context of responsible business. For this reason a niche collaborative community and network of businesses representative of the whole supply chain is essential.

Furthermore, sustainability will be more important than ever. Research published by Sky News in June, as part of its “After the Pandemic” series, identified the issues looming largest for the world after the pandemic. ‘The Environment’ took a clear lead with 33% of the vote, whilst ‘Preventing Future Pandemics’ came second, but received less than half this tally, with 15%. Covid-19 by definition is a responsible business issue and the exit from the crisis should be addressed within this framework.

Responsible Business Recovery Forum
Download the brochure

The Responsible Business Recovery Forum is a platform for progress and evolution in crisis. The RBRF‘s mission is to re-boot success as the most progressive group of operators, brands and suppliers. The Forum will lead the way on the road to out of home recovery, within the context of responsible business.

We would like to invite the industry’s most progressive businesses to be part of this exclusive group. The deck to the left sets out the mission, the business case and the return on investment. Please download. The programme consists of a packed diary of virtual events and we would like members to be able to share thought leadership and shout about being part of this movement to its own stakeholders, staff and clients as much as possible.

For more information and to join the Responsible Business Recovery Forum please email

The event schedule for 2021 is as follows

Bouncing back better? The reopening paradox

26th July 15.00 – 16.30

There has been much talk and effort over a green bounce back. However, the pressures of operational reality often conflict with this. Are we wasting an opportunity? Join us, our keynote speakers and our panels from across the sector who will discuss their experiences and share their own insights.

Sourcing: barriers, new horizons and buying British

18th August 15.00 – 16.30

The pandemic has been an opportunity to harness cultural shifts and perhaps even engineer them. Our data and insights suggest that efforts to embrace the opportunity of sourcing better are not being embraced enough. This is set against a Brexit backdrop with its associated challenges but is also a significant opportunity. In this session our speakers and panelists will be sharing their experiences and knowledge for members to implement in their own businesses.

Staff shortages: cause, effect and solutions

23rd September 15.00 – 16.30

One of the most pressing issues facing the sector; it is now clear that some human resource models need to change. Foodservice and hospitality are buzzing sectors, packed with innovation and opportunity.  Join our speakers and panelists who will share their own challenges and how they overcame them in the quest of fixing public perception.

COP26 Special: The industry’s road to zero carbon 

20th October 15.00 – 16.30

As we approach the start of COP26 in November, the Responsible Business Recovery Forum will assemble to discuss its roadmap to carbon zero; advancements and areas needing significant attention. Join our speakers and panels who will discuss some of the detail of their own strategies and share insights on their own journey to net zero.

B&I: the changing face of the working landscape 

24th November 15.00 – 16.30

As ministers continue to await further data and consider how the country can live with coronavirus, various forms of working from home are set to continue for the long haul. There has been much evidence of innovation and effective adaptation but the impact continues to be significant. The Responsible Business Recovery Forum discussed this subject last year but significant progress has been made and learnings implemented. The sharing of knowledge remains paramount. Join us to hear industry leaders sharing their knowledge and experiences.

Waste: the changing picture

9th December 15.00 – 16.30

Waste remains ubiquitous and one of the industry’s biggest issues. We have more data than ever. There is more action than ever, yet progress and significant impetus is required. The Responsible Business Recovery Forum seeks to keep up the fight. Join us to hear some of the businesses affecting the biggest changes.

Drinks industry discord? – Get the report
Read the report - Responsible Business Recovery Forum
Operational delivery & supply chain responsibility – Get the report
Report - RBRF Social distancing and economic sustainability
Social distancing and economic sustainability – Get the report
Post covid sustainability in education report
Post-Covid sustainability in education – Get the report
Post covid sustainability in education report
Catering in education: food for thought for all – Get the report