
  • Up to us to make UK the greenest ever

    ANNUS HORRIBILIS is how George Monbiot, the environment writer, described 2012 in his first column of 2013. It was, he explained in the Guardian, the year we did our best to abandon the natural world.          … Read More

  • CEO’s fear energy costs more than consumer spending

    THE RISING costs of energy and raw materials now concerns businesses more than consumer spending and behaviour.   According to preliminary results from PricewaterhouseCoopers’ global annual survey of almost 800 CEOs, 53% said energy and raw material costs are a… Read More

  • Doha: Progress or Failure?

    ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS have reacted angrily to the “failure” that was the Doha climate talks, while the UK Government has called the agreement “a step forward”. Most agree, however, that the progress was modest, with a mismatch between the scale and… Read More

  • Climate talks fail

    SIX OF THE largest environmental and development organisations in the world issued a statement claiming the climate talks in Doha were “on the brink of disaster” and that “rich governments had 24 hours to urgently make a deal that reflects… Read More

  • Europe needs new emission target

    EUROPE SHOULD set a target to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% on 1990 levels by 2020 in order to demonstrate political leadership in the run up to UN climate talks in 2015.     That is the verdict of the… Read More