Richard Lochhead

  • News review

    More Scottish food please, Bidvest sustainability update, Hospitality delivers 10% of GDP, Keep big portions out of reach, Tea certification failures….                     NFUS challenges foodservice   Scotland’s farming union will approach foodservice and catering companies… Read More

  • Festival 2014 goes green with help from recycling volunteers

    WHILE SCOTLAND’S athletes are going for gold, visitors to the Festival 2014 events running alongside the Commonwealth Games are going green, with help from volunteer recycling ambassadors.                       Zero Waste… Read More

  • Reverse vending scheme could be extended in Scotland

    SCOTLAND’S ‘REVERSE VENDING’ scheme could be extended across the country after the success of the initial trial, which began earlier this year.   The Deposit Return Scheme rewards shoppers for returning drinks containers back to the shop of purchase for… Read More

  • Sustainability begins at home – but can’t end there

    SHOULD SCOTLAND vote to break away from the United Kingdom in 2014 it would take a well-stocked national larder with it. There are few countries that boast the same diversity of natural food and drink as Scotland so it’s little… Read More

  • Ten million chefs to use Scottish seafood

    THE SCOTTISH Government has announced a worldwide food deal with the World Association of Chefs’ Societies (WACS).   The landmark agreement could result in 10 million chefs around the world cooking with Scottish seafood. Scottish salmon and langoustines will also… Read More

  • Easier ‘on the go’ recycling

    HUNDREDS OF NEW recycling bins are being installed in busy public places across Scotland as the country marks the start of Recycle Week.   Popular locations where people can now recycle include Edinburgh’s recently-refurbished Royal Commonwealth Pool, Glasgow’s Kelvingrove Park,… Read More