World Health Organisation

  • Foodservice Footprint Supersize WHO backs sugary drinks taxes Grocery sector news updates Out of Home sector news  World Health Organisation news-email Food and Drink Federation FDF Dr Douglas Bettcher Childhood Obesity Strategy

    WHO backs sugary drinks taxes

    More countries should follow the UK’s lead and introduce taxes on sugar-sweetened drinks, according to a new report published by the World Health Organisation. “[…] there is reasonable and increasing evidence that appropriately designed taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages would result… Read More

  • Foodservice Footprint Unknown1 More cancers linked to poor diet Foodservice News and Information Out of Home sector news  World Health Organisation news-email International Agency for Research on Cancer health Dr Beatrice Lauby-Secretan diet cancer

    More cancers linked to poor diet

    The link between poor diet and cancer has become even more compelling after a panel of experts concluded that obesity is a risk factor in eight more cancers than previously thought. The study, carried out by scientists convened by the… Read More

  • Foodservice Footprint 4 NFU reveals roadmap for fruit and veg growth Foodservice News and Information Out of Home sector news  World Health Organisation NFU news-email Meurig Raymond Fit for the Future

    NFU reveals roadmap for fruit and veg growth

    Improving nutritional labeling on menus and increasing availability of healthier foods in vending machines are just two ways in which foodservice businesses can help boost UK fruit and vegetable consumption, according to a new NFU report. The ‘Fit for the… Read More

  • Bad news for bacon

    THE WORLD Health Organisation has classified the consumption of processed red meat as “carcinogenic to humans” and red meat as “probably carcinogenic”.   Experts at WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IACR) said there was sufficient evidence that eating… Read More

  • Next in the line of fire?

    THE FOSSIL fuel divestment movement is going mainstream and food companies could become high-profile targets writes Nick Hughes.                           When a cause unites a group as diverse as… Read More

  • Tens of thousands march against GMO giant Monsanto

    CONSUMERS STILL say no to GMO as tens of thousands take part in the third annual March Against Monsanto to protest against the American biotechnology giant’s genetically modified crops and pesticides.                  … Read More

  • London second most sustainable city in the world

    IN A REPORT by consultants Arcadis, London has been named the world’s second most sustainable city.                     Beaten only by Frankfurt, the UK Capital was among a number of European cities… Read More

  • Impact of unhealthy food requires tobacco-style response, say campaigners

    CONSUMERS INTERNATIONAL (CI) and the World Obesity Federation (WOF) are calling for the food industry to be regulated in a similar way to the tobacco industry as obesity poses a greater threat to health than cigarettes, they claim.    … Read More

  • 7-a-day keeps the doctor away

    A STUDY carried out by University College London has found that eating seven or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day is healthier than the currently recommended five.                      … Read More