Forum Speaker Biog: Barbara Crowther

Barbara Crowther is the Director of Communications and Policy for the Fairtrade Foundation

The Fairtrade Foundation is a non-profit organization that works with businesses, community groups and individuals to improve the trading position of producer organizations in the global south, and promote sustainable livelihoods.


The Fairtrade licences the use of the FAIRTRADE Mark on products certified to internationally agreed Fairtrade standards – as a tool for development. Over 4,500 Fairtrade certified products have been licensed to carry the FAIRTRADE Mark in the UK, with sales of Fairtrade products up by 40% in 2010 to an estimated retail value of £1.17bn.


Barbara leads Fairtrade’s grassroots campaigning, media and PR, Policy, Research and Public Affairs programmes. Nine in ten UK adults say they have heard of Fairtrade, and a recent TNS Omnibus survey revealed that 77% of adults are now aware of the FAIRTRADE Mark, making it easily the most recognized ethical label in the UK.


Barbara has worked in international development education and campaigning since 1989, including work on campaigns to ban landmines, cancel unpayable poor country debts and ethical trade with CAFOD, and on asylum, and on UK and international child poverty with Save the Children. Barbara also served from 2004 -2007 on the Board of the Trade Justice Movement, a coalition of over 60 organisations working to make trade work better for people and the planet.