Courtauld Commitment

  • Foodservice Footprint Landfill-waste Food sector aims to double food redistribution Foodservice News and Information Out of Home sector news  WRAP news-email HaFSA food redistribution Courtauld Commitment C2025

    Food sector aims to double food redistribution

    Some of the country’s largest food and drink firms have committed to doubling the amount of surplus food they redistribute by 2020. A new campaign to improve redistribution in the hospitality and foodservice sector will also be launched this year,… Read More

  • News review

    More sweets at new owner of Morrisons’ Local stores and M&S   Jamie Oliver look away now. The new owner of Morrisons convenience stores has claimed the chain hasn’t turned a profit because it hasn’t been selling enough sweets to… Read More

  • WRAP calls for ‘resource revolution’ with new 5 year plan

    WRAP HAS unveiled its plan for the next five years which aims to create a revolution in the way that we use resources.       The charity is targetting Food and Drink; Clothing and Textiles and Electricals and Electronics… Read More

  • Grocers on track with waste targets

    THE GROCERY sector has delivered on its commitments to cut waste up and down the supply chain.                             New figures released by WRAP show that supply chain… Read More

  • Food waste a priority for “sustainable cities”

    BUSINESSES, COMMUNITIES and local authorities need to better manage food waste, according to one of the UK’s leading waste companies.   As part of its new manifesto, Veolia Environmental Services called on the Government to encourage local authorities and businesses… Read More