‘Green’ light on investment opportunity

A UNIQUE chance to invest and share in a leading British company’s success is being offered to investors and individuals in the hospitality sector for as little as £100.

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Delphis Eco – the world’s leading ecological cleaning chemical company is offering potential investors the opportunity to get involved at an exciting point in the company’s journey, with a crowd-funding exercise which is open for a further 19 days.


The company is inviting investors and individuals in the hospitality sector to take up the opportunity following the announcement of the signing of a significant joint collaborative agreement with Unilever to look at the development of a possible retail range and further to attracting South African investment into its SA business. The investment is sought in order to facilitate a larger sales infra-structure and marketing capability in order to leverage fast-growth that the market is already witnessing.


Delphis Eco is a world leader in a products market that is worth an estimated £900 million. It is estimated that ecological products will account for approximately 10% of that market in next 5 years, representing growth, opportunity and the right way to use chemicals for the environment.


CEO, Mark Jankovich, (formerly of Coutts Bank), who bought the company in 2008, and under whom revenue is up 10 times and gross margins have more than tripled, says: “Ecological cleaning chemicals do not need to sacrifice performance which our products have demonstrated. The need for sustainable products that do not damage our environment is set to grow exponentially and is becoming a staple part of contracts and central to the tendering process in all significant UK business operations.


“Right now, we are looking to revolutionise thinking in our market, by driving quality and genuine government accreditation in this channel. The ecological benefits are now shining through in a market that desperately needs to ‘clean up’ its act. Ecological cleaning chemicals are now at a level where they are entirely ‘fit for purpose’ – there is no excuse for corporates not to act any more, it’s just laziness! Consumers will ultimately demand an end to this inertia and already we are seeing a growing movement”.


Through Seedrs funding structure, Delphis Eco is offering potential investors A shares (which will have EIS status if applicable to personal status) – the offer remains open until the end of November 2014.


Investors can devote as little as £100 to investment through Seedrs although the average crowd funding transaction is from £500 – £20,000, per person.


“We wish to retain our private status and retain flexibility in our decision making at such a critical time” concludes Jankovich. “Now is the chance for UK investors, and potentially operators themselves who have a vested interest in ecological products, to avail themselves of an exciting opportunity that is affordable, has real potential and a tangible benefit to society as a whole.”