New waste tool launched for businesses

THE WASTE & Resource Action Programme (WRAP) has launched a new tool to help businesses collaborate to cut down on waste and embrace a more circular approach to its practices.

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The new step-by-step guides, which provides tips and advice on developing re-use strategies have been produced, along with video case studies that show what can be achieved through a joined up effort.

WRAP says partnerships are fundamental to helping companies reap the associated financial, social and environmental benefits of re-use and will also be hosting interactive workshops on getting the most out of a partnership.

“Keeping goods in use for longer is a critical part of delivering a circular economy,”
said WRAP head of resource management Linda Crichton.

“Not only does it reduce pressures on raw materials but has the potential to create new jobs and training opportunities. Successful partnerships are key to driving the re-use sector, but it does need a concerted effort by all involved. Done well and it will bring big benefits locally to councils, organisations, individuals and the economy.”