Sustainable agriculture: the next big ‘think’ for corporate giants

GLOBAL AGRICULTURE has received a fresh push as members of Field to Market commit to driving sustainability in the US with six pledges likely to impact farming internationally.

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Sixty-six grower organisations, agribusinesses, food, beverage and retail firms – including Unilever, General Mills, Kellogg’s, Coca-Cola and Procter & Gamble – have committed to  pursuing sustainability outcomes for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, rice, potatoes and other crops.


Field to Market and its members also pledge to deliver:


  • Sustained reduction in soil erosion to tolerable levels or below on all US cropland.
  • Sustained improvement of land use efficiency by increasing productivity on US cropland, conserving native habitat, and enhancing landscape quality.
  • Sustained contribution to solving regional water quality problems as evidenced by reductions in sediment, phosphorus, nitrogen, and pesticide loads from US cropland.
  • Sustained reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from US cropland per unit of output.
  • Sustained contribution to solving regional water scarcity problems through continual improvement in irrigation water use efficiency and conservation.
  • Sustained improvement in energy use efficiency from US crop production.


Each organisation will use an innovative ‘fieldprint calculator, which will monitor the areas in which they are doing well and those that need improvement.


With these goals, Field to Market signals a new level of commitment to engage the entire agricultural supply chain to address the collective environmental challenges we face and responsibly manage our planet’s natural resources,” said Field to Market president Rod Snyder.


In a resource-constrained world with growing global demands on food and water, we must work together to pursue solutions that deliver environmental, social and economic benefits. These goals represent a shared commitment to deliver sustainable outcomes through continuous improvement.”