Tablet-based food waste tracking system now available in UK

THE LEANPATH Zap is a tablet-based waste software system that can cut food waste in half.

Foodservice Footprint Food-waste-300x199 Tablet-based food waste tracking system now available in UK Foodservice News and Information Out of Home sector news  The Zap LeanPath Go Green Tomato










It has helped to dramatically cut food waste for users in the US food service industry, and it is now available to UK food service organisations through UK-based Go Green Tomato.


The software monitors and prevents food waste using smart technology and cloud-based reporting services.


Kitchen staff log every item being thrown away on a tablet, and the software immediately calculates a cash value for the waste, and its carbon impact. It also displays how much it would cost the organisation or environment if the same amount was wasted weekly, monthly or yearly.


This allows kitchens to pinpoint changes to purchasing, production and menus that prevent foods from being wasted in the future. The process of measuring also engages employees directly in the waste-prevention effort, arming them with immediate feedback and a tally of their waste prevention successes.


The Zap solution is designed by LeanPath, the creators of the foodservice industry’s first automated food waste tracking system in 2004.


‘We’ve already trialled LeanPath software in the UK through our partnership with Sodexo, a client who use our software in the States,’ commented Andrew Shakman, LeanPath co-founder and CEO. ‘But we’re really excited that by making it available through UK-based Go Green Tomato, we can bring the technology to organizations of all types and sizes here in the UK.’