Liz Truss
10 things we need to know about Brexit
Talks with the EU are finally under way a year after the referendum and the food industry is anxiously awaiting the outcome, writes Nick Hughes. Friday marked the first anniversary of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union. Much has… Read More
Why have foodservice businesses been reluctant to wade into the referendum debate?
A vote to leave the EU would have an enormous impact on the foodservice sector – but businesses have so far been reluctant to wade into the referendum debate. Very soon we will know whether the UK public has voted to… Read More
Defra publishes five year plan
Farmers will be pleased. Defra has published its plan for 2015-2020 this week and most of the aspirations could have been written by the NFU. Top of the pile is the 25-year food and farming strategy, of course, but there… Read More
News Review
FOOD WASTE effecting wildlife; new look DEFRA; $1B in organic sales; overcapacity in foodservice and climate denial not dead. Food waste putting birds and fish at peril… Read More
Behind the headlines: UK swims against the green tide
Now the climate change deal has been signed in Paris new regulations are a long way down the Conservatives’ agenda. By the time you read this there may already be a global deal on climate change in place. The COP21 talks… Read More
Political Print
FREE MARKETS may trump farmers’ interests in the battle over milk prices. UK dairy farmers have achieved some notable victories in their campaign for a better deal, including new guarantees from retailers over the price they pay for liquid milk… Read More
Food plan meetings commence
SIXTY FARMERS and food businesses from across the south west met this week to discuss the future of the industry. The meeting, organised by DEFRA, is the… Read More
Downing Street keeps food industry waiting
THE CONSERVATIVE election win has produced plenty of europhoria but little concrete policy on the big issues of climate change and health. There’s been discernible euphoria emanating from Conservative MPs and… Read More
Defra invites industry to help devise new strategy
DEFRA HAVE invited the UK food and farming industry to help develop a 25-year plan for the future of food and farming. The consultation kicked off this week when 80 representatives from across the UK food and farming industry met… Read More
Industry saves over 5million m3 of water
MEMBERS OF the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) who are working towards an industry-wide water reduction target have collectively reduced their water use by almost a quarter since 2007. New figures released by FDF today show that these food and… Read More