Martin Caraher
Footprint Forum Report: Cut the clutter
CATERING FIRMS are faced with myriad eco-labels. But are they an essential part of communicating their ethics? Ask a student what factors determine the food they buy and price will invariably… Read More
On Labour’s agenda: food equality and tougher rules on HFSS
TOUGHER FOOD regulation and food equality is expected in the UK if Labour is elected next year. During a debate on ‘Making an affordable nutritious food system accessible to all’… Read More
Health by stealth
DINERS ARE craving indulgent treats, yet the government wants help curbing obesity. Is there a sneaky solution? People are eating out less, but when they do they want to… Read More
Supersize ban hits stumbling block
THE INTRODUCTION of a ban on large sugary drinks in New York has stalled with a judge having declared it “arbitrary and capricious”. Meanwhile, the UK is facing a similar public health u-turn with the government stumbling in its bid… Read More
Goodbye to supersize?
AS NEW YORK bans giant servings amid growing pressure to confront obesity, Footprint asks if the UK’s soft drinks face hard regulation. Last month Coca-Cola unveiled a new… Read More