United Nations Environment Programme

  • Weathering the storm

    Weathering the storm

    Political turmoil on both sides of the Atlantic means responsible businesses may have to go it alone. November was a month of extremes for those engaged in climate change. It started on a high when the Paris Agreement entered into… Read More

  • Food waste report reveals high levels of fresh produce wastage down to aesthetics

    A NEW food waste report has shown that up to two-fifths of fruit or vegetables is wasted because they are ‘ugly’.   Fresh produce grown in the UK that does not meet retailer standards on size or shape is often… Read More

  • Food security increasingly difficult

    UN report concludes that environmental issues must be at forefront of food security goals THE AIM of achieving food security across the globe will become increasingly elusive unless countries factor the planet’s nature-based services into agricultural and related planning, a… Read More