UK voters tell politicians to pull their weight on environment
UK VOTERS have delivered a stark warning to our political leaders not to neglect environment and climate change policy with the next General Election little more than a year away, according to new research commissioned by WWF-UK ahead of… Read More
Digesting the diet debate
CAVE PAINTINGS never showed people eating carrots – so the argument for meat eating goes. In fact, humans remained largely carnivorous until fairly recently. Today, our simple gut of a single stomach, medium-length small intestine and short colon is “typical of… Read More
Climate change in, but sustainable development out
GOVE HAS listened to the letter not the spirit of campaigners’ demands. In response to the announcement of changes to the National Curriculum unveiled today, Cherry Duggan, Head of Schools and Youth at WWF-UK, said: “Michael Gove has… Read More
The Political Print: Thatcher and NGO’s
WHEN YOU associate Margaret Thatcher with food the first thought that springs to mind is probably milk. Yet the Iron Lady’s legacy to the industry is far greater than denying kids a free glass of the white stuff. Supporters… Read More
A taste for tripe
UK CONSUMERS have become ‘squeamish’ about eating certain cuts but a new report argues that meat – including offal – needs to be valued rather than wasted. Fergus Henderson will be pleased. A report published last month by WWF-… Read More
Processed meat big health risk
EATING PROCESSED meat can lead to early death through cardiovascular diseases and cancer, according to new research. An analysis of almost 450,000 men and women across Europe found that there was a “moderate positive association” between eating sausages, ham,… Read More
No return for the mack?
FEARS OF overfishing may put mackerel’s comeback on hold as customers face a tough choice between eating healthily and sustainably. What a difference two years make. This time in 2011, mackerel was riding on the crest of a wave… Read More
Reform for European fisheries policy
THE EUROPEAN Parliament today voted to back a major reform of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The new proposals aim to cut fishing to sustainable stock levels, end dumping at sea (discards), and base long-term planning on sound scientific… Read More