Waen AD food waste plant to generate power for 1,500 homes

RENEWABLE ENERGY specialists, BIOGEN have been commissioned to build a recycling plant which will generate power from food waste in three counties across Wales.












The £7.5m Waen anaerobic digestion (AD) plant will be operational by the summer and has been commissioned to take food waste from the North Wales Consortium of Denbighshire County Council, Conwy County Borough Council and Flintshire County Council.


Once complete, the plant will process an estimated 22,500 tonnes of food a year from local households and businesses, creating enough electricity for an estimated 1,500 homes. It will also generate a biofertiliser for the surrounding local farmland which will reduce the need for farmers to purchase fertiliser.


So far the main reception hall building, biofertiliser storage tanks and the bund walls have all been completed. A combined heat & power unit (CHP) responsible for generating the electricity is also in place, as is a new substation, high voltage cabling and special tanks which will harvest rain water.


Sam Bates, Waste Operations Manager at Denbighshire Council, said: “The site is progressing well and the Authorities are looking forward to the facility being up and running”.


Simon Musther, Head of Commercial Operations at BIOGEN, said: “This is a great opportunity for any commercial operator who is looking for a food waste management solution. Recycling food waste at the Waen AD plant will ensure cost savings and environmental benefits to the local area making this a real win-win”.


Biogen already has three operational food waste AD plants across the UK which process a total of 123,000 tonnes of food waste every year and produce 5.2MW of green electricity. Five other sites are also at various stages of development throughout England, Scotland and Wales.