Big firms obstructing climate policy
FORTY-FIVE of the 100 largest global industrial companies have recently been involved in directly advocating against climate policy, whilst simultaneously pushing their own sustainability credentials. The figures have been published… Read More
Two million hectare shortfall in UK land possible by 2030, study finds
CAMBRIDGE HOSTED industry platform calls for joint action plan with government. By 2030, the UK could require up to 7 million hectares of additional land to meet a growing population’s food,… Read More
Few solutions to a world of problems
FEEDING THE World come 2050 is a tall order, but answers are in short supply. Footprint left a summit with more questions than answers. Journalists are sometimes prone to exaggeration, but… Read More
Frankenfood debate lurches back into life
GENETICALLY MODIFIED crops are on the agenda again as supporters raise fears the EU’s hostility could mean missing out on major benefits. Genetically modified food is firmly back on the agenda. After… Read More
Push for GM continues
THE ENVIRONMENT Secretary, Owen Paterson, used his speech at the Oxford Farming Conference to once-again promote the role of genetically modified (GM) foods. Paterson, who in December said GM would be a good thing highlighted the growing number of… Read More
How can you change the game?
LARGE FIRMS are increasingly adopting and scaling up sustainability innovations and reaping substantial rewards for themselves and their customers. The new business approaches not only contribute to the green economy, but also show what can be achieved by decoupling… Read More
An appetite for change
IT’S BEEN almost 10 years since the UK Government ran a public debate on GM food. With issues over food security, drought and a booming population intensifying, is the foodservice sector one of those asking for the technology to be… Read More
GM debate must be re-opened
THE FOODSERVICE industry is ready to have another look at the options around genetically modified (GM) food. According to a poll on, 78% of readers… Read More