Footprint’s campaign to highlight sustainability in education gathers even more pace

CONTINUING THE campaign to raise awareness around the importance of sustainability on the national curriculum, Footprint joined Zac Goldsmith in the House of Commons this week.



Last December Footprint Forum in partnership with TUCO and in association with Fairtrade convened to discuss Ethics in Education. Earlier this year Footprint teamed up with Nestlé Professional for a sustainability themed Toque d’Or. The legacy of this is ongoing work with TUCO and PACE to ensure that sustainability-related issues are given more air-time on curricular in education.


Taking this campaign further; creating momentum at more junior level, Footprint ran a series of sustainability workshops at Tower House School in Zac Goldsmith’s constituency of Richmond Park, South West London. The children were tasked with creating a business with sustainability at its core and to write a business plan to present to the “Sustainability Dragons”.


The prize was the opportunity to interview Zac Goldsmith MP at the House of Commons this week. The boys did not hold back how sustainability features in Zac’s life as an MP and in his campaign for Mayor of London.


The children found the subject of sustainability most engaging; the opportunity was embraced with such vigour that the pilot provides a strong case study to take forward on the broader national curriculum.