News review

LIVESTOCK IS RESPONSIBLE for 80% of agricultural emissions, according to new research published in Environmental Research Letters. The authors suggested that technical and behavioural changes are required to curb the emissions.

Foodservice Footprint 2015Footprint035-300x200 News review Foodservice News and Information Grocery sector news updates Out of Home sector news  Marine Litter Livestock Food Banks Environmental Research Letters Cardiff University carbon Campylobacter Biodegradable Plastics BBC

PUPILS ARE twice as likely to achieve above average results if they eat breakfast, according to new research by scientists at Cardiff University. The contents of the breakfast are an important factor, however, with sweets and crisps (which one in five children consume first thing) having no positive impact.


Foodservice Footprint 6-300x200 News review Foodservice News and Information Grocery sector news updates Out of Home sector news  Marine Litter Livestock Food Banks Environmental Research Letters Cardiff University carbon Campylobacter Biodegradable Plastics BBC

LEVELS OF CAMPYLOBACTER in chickens sold through UK supermarkets continues to fall. Figures from July to September this year show 15% tested positive in the highest band, down from 22% during the same period last year. Which? suggested the data is being skewed by those retailers taking action, with others missing Food Standards Agency targets.

Foodservice Footprint P221-300x276 News review Foodservice News and Information Grocery sector news updates Out of Home sector news  Marine Litter Livestock Food Banks Environmental Research Letters Cardiff University carbon Campylobacter Biodegradable Plastics BBC

BIODEGRADABLE PLASTICS may not be the answer when it comes to reducing marine litter. A new report, “Biodegradable Plastics and Marine Litter. Misconceptions, Concerns and Impacts on Marine Environments”, highlights that complete biodegradation of plastics occurs in industrial conditions that are very rarely met in the sea. One recent study found that over a quarter of fish sold for human consumption in Indonesia contained plastic.

Foodservice Footprint 8 News review Foodservice News and Information Grocery sector news updates Out of Home sector news  Marine Litter Livestock Food Banks Environmental Research Letters Cardiff University carbon Campylobacter Biodegradable Plastics BBC

THE USE of food banks has increased to record levels in Scotland. The BBC reports there were more than 60,000 referrals in a six month period, with 35,000 people receiving help.

Foodservice Footprint Fareshare-063-meal-time-247x300 News review Foodservice News and Information Grocery sector news updates Out of Home sector news  Marine Litter Livestock Food Banks Environmental Research Letters Cardiff University carbon Campylobacter Biodegradable Plastics BBC