Consumer goods industry commits to halving global food waste by 2025

A THIRD of food calories produced are never eaten, costing the global economy an estimated $750 a year, and producing 3.3 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases, according to the Consumer Goods Forum.


To tackle the issue, The Consumer Goods Forum’s 400 retailer and manufacturer members have agreed to a “Food Waste Resolution” to halve food waste within their operations by 2025, from a 2016 baseline.


The resolution aims to tackle the issue by both preventing food waste, and maximising its recovery. An implementation plan, which includes developing a baseline, monitoring and public reporting mechanisms, communication and engagement plans and an implementation toolkit, aims to support members in achieving the goal.


The resolution joins others made in 2010 on achieving zero net deforestation by 2020 and beginning the phase-out hydro fluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants by 2015.