ARAMARK WILL be helping its customers stick with their New Year’s resolutions with a new health campaign launched January 8th, 2013.
Entitled Eat Yourself Healthy, the campaign includes special offers and meal deals to make it easy for people to eat more healthily. It will run in ARAMARK’s participating business and industry, education, defence and healthcare sites across the country.
The campaign comes at a time when many people vow to watch what they eat, particularly following widespread over-indulgence at Christmas.
It also links to a growing desire among employers to provide healthier eating options for their staff as a route to a happy, productive and engaged workforce.
The health and wellbeing agenda is becoming increasingly important for employers. Studies have demonstrated that active employees are more productive than sedentary ones, and obese employees less productive than average. Other studies have shown that balanced diets can help reduce sick-related absence. While the solutions go beyond just workplace food, healthier eating is a major focus.
The Times nutritionist and Footprint contributor Amanda Ursell recently wrote of a burgeoning interest in corporate nutrition.
Next week sees the presentation of the Footprint Health & Vitality Honours which will reward outstanding practice in contract catering.