Funding for future energy technology announced

THE CHANCELLOR George Osborne has pledged £60m in investment for the Birmingham Energy Systems Catapult to help drive innovation in future energy technologies.

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The centre has been picked for the flagship project which will work to “exploit commercial opportunities for new products and services created by the transformation of energy networks.”


Business Secretary Vince Cable said: “The Energy Systems Catapult will make Britain the best place in the world to develop new energy products and services, like local energy systems that can provide an alternative source of power to the national grid.


“Locating the Catapult in Birmingham puts it right at the heart of a vibrant energy hub that will bring researchers and businesses together – a key component of bringing new and innovative ideas to market.”  


 The decision to locate the Energy Systems Catapult in Birmingham follows agreement with the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) to merge their existing Smart Systems and Heat Programme into the new Catapult.


Energy Systems Catapult Chairman Nick Winser said: “The Birmingham area has a strong cluster of businesses and academic activity related to energy, as well as excellent transport links. The advanced discussions with the ETI to merge their existing Birmingham based team into the Catapult provides us with the opportunity to make a strong start.”