Industry leaders ‘optimistic’ about 2015 prospects

THE LATEST CGA Peach Business Leaders Survey has revealed that nine out of ten industry leaders feel optimistic about prospects for 2015.

Foodservice Footprint MG_3855-300x200 Industry leaders ‘optimistic’ about 2015 prospects Foodservice News and Information Grocery sector news updates Out of Home sector news  Peter Martin CGA Peach Business











The annual report, which looks at business leaders’ confidence in the market and also trends emerging in the Out of Home (OOH) eating sector, also showed that though feelings were generally positive there are still real concerns over growth potential.


Other key concerns included rising costs of property and also market saturation in some of the most popular market channels.


The cost of staff wages also came high on the list of concerns for operators, with the living wage conversations adding to those worries.


CGA Peach’s Peter Martin commented: “After a relatively quiet few years, our Business Leaders’ Survey shows that eating and drinking out brands are firmly back in growth mode this year, building on the success most enjoyed in 2014, when most companies surveyed said they had met or exceeded their own expectations.”


However, he also warned that companies would need to be “on top of their game to thrive” in such a competitive market.