Special Achievement Award sponsored by BaxterStorey

The award was presented by BaxterStorey’s Ian Platt.










This award recognises individual contribution to environmental, social or economic sustainability. This is a hotly contested category and one that attracts a great deal of attention every year. Last year’s winner was Raymond Blanc and this years nominations were


Anne Pierce, Springboard

Jimmy Doherty, Jimmy’s Farm

David Clarke, Red Tractor

The Rt. Hon. Owen Paterson, Secretary of State

Renata Nowak, ISS

Pervin Todiwala, Café Spice Namaste

Fergus Henderson, St John Restaurant


The Runner Up of this years Footprint Awards 2013 Special Achievement Award is Jimmy Doherty.


The winner as voted for by the judges is Anne Pierce MBE, Chief Executive of the Springboard Charity for her outstanding and ongoing contribution to the social sustainability of this industry. Sadly Anne could not collect her award pin person. She was busy raising money for the charity by cycling to Paris (We rest our case). Springboard’s Chairman Stephen Moss MBE collected the trophy on her behalf.