SWR named in London Stock Exchange report as one of UK’s most inspirational companies

SPECIALIST WASTE RECYCLING (SWR) has featured in a landmark research report, produced by the London Stock Exchange, which identifies 1,000 of the UK’s leading SME’s.

Foodservice Footprint Giles-LSE-300x225 SWR named in London Stock Exchange report as one of UK's most inspirational companies Foodservice News and Information Out of Home sector news  SWR London Stock Exchange Giles Whiteley CIWM 1 000 Companies to Inspire Britain











The report entitled ‘1,000 Companies to Inspire Britain’ was recently published in the Daily Telegraph and celebrates the most exciting and dynamic businesses in the UK. The publication also reported on the wider UK economy, focusing on the opportunities and challenges facing UK SME’s and explores the sectors and trends that will shape the future economic success of the UK.


The research has identified 1,000 fast growth companies that have not only grown their revenue but also out-performed their industry peers. SWR features as a prominent company in the report’s ‘Green Business’ chapter, due to its impressive growth of 1500% since 2007. SWR’s growth has also been recognised twice by the Chartered Institute of Waste Management (CIWM) in the last few years as the UK’s fastest growing waste management company.


SWR CEO Giles Whiteley puts the success of the business down to a simple formula, he said: “From the outset we have focused on what customers need not what our competitors are doing. In this way differentiation happens naturally and customers value services. But none of this would have been possible without our people. When you have good people that believe in what you are doing the organisation gains a soul; effort pulls in the right direction more easily and positively.


“We are delighted with the progress we have made as new entrant to the market since we started. The feeling within our business is very much that we are just getting going and have huge amount that we want to achieve in the next few years; we’ve raised eyebrows and ruffled a few feathers along the way and expect to ruffle a few more as we continue”.


The launch of the report was recently celebrated at an awards event at the London Stock Exchange in Paternoster Square. To read the article as featured in the research CLICK HERE