The Community Vote sponsored by Reynolds

The award was presented by Reynolds Commercial Director, Paul Collins










The purpose of the Community Vote is a democratic process for constituents in the foodservice community to either vote for a customer, supplier or even in their own capacity as consumers for their pub or favourite eatery. The Winner is the business that achieves the most votes from the foodservice community.


Those Businesses Shortlisted were:


The Bay Fish & Chips, Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire

Carey’s Manor Hotel, Hampshire

The Hanging Bat, Old Town, Edinburgh

Linklaters, City of London

Ode True Food, Shaldon, Devon

The Spirit Pub Company, Burton on Trent

The Thatchers Arms, Mount Bures, Essex


The runners up were:


Thatcher’s Arms, Mount Bures, Essex (5)

ODE TRUE FOOD, Shaldon, Devon (4)

The Spirit Pub Company, Burton on Trent (3)

The Bay Fish & Chips, Stonehaven (2)


The Winner is Linklaters, City of London