What is a Voluntary Agreement

Features of a Voluntary Agreement:


  • “A body”** holds achievable targets – signatories help to deliver them
  • Each target is for the sector as a whole and not for individual businesses
  • All targets are consistent with Governments’ targets
  • It is “the body’s” responsibility to ensure that the collective actions of all signatories are sufficient for the targets to be delivered


How is an agreement supported:


  • Support development of impact prevention plans
  • Develop online resources & tools
  • Establish working groups to tackle priorities
  • Work to tackle common issues
  • Evaluate the change delivered
  • Stakeholder messaging
  • Share best practice guidance


Responsibility of the signatories:


  • A commitment to work with “the body” to develop plans and reporting mechanisms to help deliver the new voluntary agreement; and
  • Working with stakeholders, staff and suppliers to encourage them to prevent waste arising and to reuse and recycle more.


*definition according to WRAP’s HaFSA

** “the body” to be defined