Can microalgae make hotdogs sustainable?

Ikea has revealed some of the new products being created in its test kitchen to “inspire people” to try more sustainable ingredients.

This includes the “dogless hotdog”, made with baby carrots, beet and berry ketchup and roasted onions. The bun is made with spirulina – a microalgae containing 50 times more iron than spinach and more beta-carotene than carrots. The whole thing has more protein than a “real” hotdog.

Other innovations include a burger and meatballs made with mealworms.

Meanwhile, in the basement at Space10, Ikea’s research lab, there are micro-greens being grown using hydroponics – which uses water containing “the perfect amount of nutrients” as opposed to soil.

Demand for food will increase by 70% by 2050, according to the UN. “We need to smarter and more efficient about the way we produce our food and be more open minded about food diversity,” Ikea noted.