Food and drink manufacturers slash co2 emissions by more than a third, claims FDF

MANUFACTURERS have reduced their carbon dioxide emissions by 35% – ahead of the original target date of 2020, claims the FDF.

Foodservice Footprint Scales Food and drink manufacturers slash co2 emissions by more than a third, claims FDF Foodservice News and Information Grocery sector news updates Out of Home sector news  Jim Moseley Food & Drink Federation Five-fold Environmental Ambition FDF












A report shows that the target was reached against the 1990 baseline, with emissions falling by 664,000 tonnes of CO2.


The FDF Five-fold Environmental Ambition progress report details major improvements in sustainability performance in food and drink manufacturing operations since 2007.


In addition to achieving the CO2 target, the industry has reduced water use by 15.6% and delivered an impressive 4.5% reduction in the carbon impact of packaging against the 2015 zero increase target of the WRAP Courtauld Commitment.


On waste, FDF members have reduced food and packaging waste sent to landfill to just 3% and are now focusing on further reducing mixed waste to reach the zero waste to landfill target by the end of this year.


A spokesperson from the FDF told Footprint: “FDF collects annual energy and emissions data of its members as part of the FDF Climate Change Agreement (CCA). For a number of larger member sites where some activities are not in the CCA but are covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme we also use EUETS emissions data. This allows us to calculate the emissions of our members. The baseline is based on CCA baseline data and sector wide data published by DECC.”


Jim Moseley, Interim Director General, FDF, said: Through the FDF Five-fold Environmental Ambition food and drink manufacturers are publically committed to working together to target environmental areas where they can make the biggest difference. Our significant achievement of an absolute reduction of 35% in CO2 emissions is a result of continued focus on energy efficiency and low carbon innovation by members and proof that this collective approach is working.


“This focus and drive to raise our collective environmental performance remains at the heart of the Five-fold Environmental Ambition and we will continue working together to improve resource efficiency, including revising our emissions target over the coming months.”


Download the Full Report Here