Foodservice Footprint Issue 7 – September 2010

Foodservice Footprint Sept 2010Rory Sutherland, in a July column about climate change in The Spectator, concluded “Perhaps right-wing people can learn to like environmentalism the way left-wing people learn to like Wagner – by separating the outcome from the motivation”. Whilst I don’t necessarily subscribe to the premise that any specific area of the political spectrum underwrites environmentalism, I do believe that Sutherland makes a very good point, arguably felt in no other industry more than in foodservice.

Whether we are motivated by the argument of diminishing resources, climate change or a better world for our grandchildren, there is no debate that the net result is an accountability to the environment and commercial advantage. More and more people are confidently coming to the fore and admitting that, whatever their motivation has been, there are noticeable advantages to the bottom line. This will become a mainstream view but we have a long way to go yet. Another definitive step in the right direction will be Footprint Forum on 21 September, where the members will be discussing foodservice and agriculture and will be promoting understanding between the two sectors. Footprint Forum will welcome Lord Carter of Coles as a keynote speaker and we hope to make headway and as ever promote transparency, understanding and cooperation.

You will also notice the launch of Footprint Awards on page 28 in this issue. Over the coming months, you will see a great deal of information about the first Footprint Awards and we hope you will be a part of this recognition celebration.

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