Footprint Exclusive: Interview with Fergus Henderson

Fergus Henderson is the London chef renowned for nose to tail eating – very little of a carcass is wasted.


Foodservice Footprint IMG_6149-lo-300x200 Footprint Exclusive: Interview with Fergus Henderson Interviews: Industry professionals Out of Home sector news  St John's Nose to Tail cuisine Nose to Tail cooking Meat Free Mondays Fish Stocks Fergus Henderson










Guests to his St John restaurant in the heart of London can indulge in dishes such as pot roast Tamworth loin with trotters and prunes or chitterlings and radishes. Mind you, he also does a fabulous Eccles cake, as David Burrows found out when he went to meet him. In a thought-provoking and passionate interview, Henderson talks about his love of butchers, his hostility towards Meat Free Mondays and his fears for fish stocks.

All will be revealed in the March issue of Foodservice Footprint