Footprint Issue 35 August 2015

F35-CoverWELCOME TO THE first digital issue of Footprint. Every two months from now on we will be bringing you hard-hitting analysis, in-depth special reports and expert opinions from around the foodservice, catering and hospitality sectors.


In between issues there will also be news, analysis and comment available daily through the website,, and weekly through our newsletter. This will all be delivered through our experienced team of writers and contributors.


In this issue, for example, we have investigated the implications of the divestment movement for your businesses: fossil fuels may well be the target now, but could other sectors with big environmental impacts like food be next in the firing line? Our regular feature topics are still here (including Health & Vitality, Supply Chain and Waste Watch), but we’ve added some extra ones.


On Reflection, for example, takes a look back at an environmental innovation, story, concept or challenge that has gone off the radar. Our first piece considers carbon labels – an idea consigned to the grocery graveyard, but in line for a second chance among public-sector caterers.


Footprint has long been focused on challenging and encouraging the sector as you all seek to entwine commercial reality with sustainable ambition. Hence we also want to delve deeper behind closed doors, and the stories that matter. For that reason we hope to do many more interviews like the ones on these pages with Allister Richards (Gather & Gather’s boss) and Neil Barrett (Sodexo’s VP for sustainable development). That level of industry insight is invaluable.


Indeed, Footprint is not a one-way street. The beauty of our move to 100% digital is that we can interact more with you, the readers. This can be through everything from Twitter to exclusive webinars, online polls and more regular industry viewpoints. And of course there will still be the chance to meet in the real world at our forums.


Our goal is to make the Footprint platform the hub for those interested B in sustainability in foodservice. This digital project is therefore a work in progress. Over the coming months we want to adapt the magazine, the website and the newsletter to maximise the value to you, the readers. So please feed back to us regarding which features and techniques work, and which don’t. Are you getting enough information? Or too much? Is the website easy to use and the magazine enjoyable to read?


We hope you like the first one. But we want to make each one better than the last.


Click here to download Footprint issue 35