Half a portion of veg in every three OOH meals

It’s a case of could do better. New research has found that Brits only manage to eat half a portion of veg for every three meals eaten out of home (OOH) with more than one in three diners (34%) craving more vegetables.

The figures come from a poll of 2,157 people conducted by YouGov for the Food Foundation. The survey also showed that 44% of consumers want to eat more veg when eating out, whilst 27% would like to see lower prices for veg-based options.

Anna Taylor, executive director at the think-tank, urged foodservice businesses to move enticing veg options up the menu and incorporate more greens into main meals, rather than set them aside as “expensive” side dishes.

“Restaurants are facing tough trading conditions at the moment but they could be missing a trick here,” she explained.

Demand for plant-based dishes is growing – more than one in four consumers (28%) has reduced or limited their meat consumption in the past six months, whilst around one in seven (14%) are interested in doing so in the future, according to figures published by Mintel earlier this month.

“This is a clear opportunity for businesses to help consumers increase their vegetable consumption and make it easier for them to choose healthier options,” said Ufi Ibrahim, CEO at the British Hospitality Association.

The Food Foundation’s research was released in conjunction with a new compendium of foodservice resources – a collection of evidence-driven approaches on how menu positioning can increase sales of “veg-forward” dishes.