Hospitality industry features highly in Sunday Times Best Companies 2014

HOSPITALITY COMPANIES featured highly on the 2014 Sunday Times Best Companies to Work For with two new entries from the sector: The Brookwood Partnership, which came 2nd and Lexington Catering which placed 7th.

Foodservice Footprint IMG_3754-300x199 Hospitality industry features highly in Sunday Times Best Companies 2014 Foodservice News and Information Out of Home sector news  The Brookwood Partnership Sunday Times Best Companies To Work For Sue Parfett Red Carnation Hotel Collection Marriott Hotels International Lexington Catering Kate Martin IHG Graham Sibthorp Connect Catering Bourne Leisure











The Sunday Times’ annual ranking of companies, now in its 14th year, charts Britain’s best corporations to work for and includes a host of hospitality and catering companies. It is renowned as being the most widely researched survey of employee engagement across the country and all the scores are based on employee opinions.


A total of 897 businesses and organisations registered to take part in the surveys but only the leading 323 were compiled into the four recognised lists, divided up based upon number of employees.


The Brookwood Partnership came 1st in ranking for ‘Giving something back’ and ‘management’ and 2nd for ‘wellbeing’. Sue Parfett set up the firm with Kate Martin and Graham Sibthorp in 1996, after working in the catering industry together.


“We had a very strong idea of what we wanted to do — we wanted to serve fresh food in schools — and this was long before Jamie Oliver,” says Parfett.


Today, Brockwood operates across 97 education sites, and follow a policy to use fresh and locally sourced ingredients where possible, to help promote sustainability and back British produce.


Lexington Catering is based in London and works in partnership with 30 business including restaurants, delis and coffee bars. Its staff ranked it high on ‘well-being’, ‘leadership’ and getting a ‘fair deal’ and 86% of staff feel the organisation really cares about its environmental impact. The company also ensures all food produced is cooked using fresh, seasonal ingredients, which are locally sourced, organic and fairly traded where possible.

Other hospitality companies which ranked highly include: Red Carnation Hotel Collection, Connect Catering, IHG, Bourne Leisure and Marriott Hotels International.


For the full lists please CLICK HERE