Institute of Philosophy debate offers food for thought

THE RELATIONSHIP between food and philosophy will be explored at an event to be held at the School of Advanced Study (SAS), University of London this week (February 21).

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Virtues of the Table: An Evening Discussion on Ethical issues raised by Food Choices  is organised by the Institute of Philosophy (IP) and brings together Julian Baggini, a leading philosopher, writer and ‘conscientious omnivore’, Ben Reade, research chef and head of Copenhagen’s Nordic Food Lab (NFL), and Naomi Sykes, an archaeologist and husbandry expert.


The two-hour debate will focus on the dilemmas and contradictions of the food world, including sourcing, stewardship and sustainability in food production. It coincides with the launch of Julian Baggini’s latest publication, The Virtues of the Table: How to Eat and Think, in which he picks apart the assumptions we make about the food in front of us and challenges orthodoxies such as ‘Protected Designation of Origin’ labels which are designed to make us think a product is traditional.


Ben Reade is a leading advocate of extending food choices, and his exploration of ancient Nordic grains, berries, indigenous microbes, insects and seaweeds has helped put the Copenhagen food scene on the map. Nordic Food Lab was founded by Rene Redzepi and Claus Meyers, the founders of restaurant Noma. He has helped spearhead a new style of international cuisine – the next step in the research based experimental cuisine practiced by UK chefs such as Heston Blumenthal – and is hopeful his experiments will not only contribute to the creation of new dishes and flavours, but could help solve bigger problems like feeding the rapidly growing global population.


The line-up of speakers is completed by Dr Naomi Sykes, an expert in the history of deer. Through her work with Nottingham University’s Fair Game initiative, she promotes responsible deer management and the virtues of wild venison as a ‘locally sourced, seasonal, healthy and ethical food’. This event, which provides an opportunity for a full debate on the ethics of food choices, concludes with a reception where Julian Baggini’s will be signing copies of his book.


Dr Ophelia Deroy , associate director of IP and senior researcher at the Institute’s Centre for the Study of the Senses says: “Moral philosophers are used to asking, What is the good life? But it is timely to ask further what makes food good – even before it reaches our plates – and what makes a good consumer. The Institute of Philosophy is delighted to host this event which will focus on ethical consumption, sustainable agriculture and our relationship to fellow animals.”


Virtues of the Table: An Evening Discussion on Ethical issues raised by Food Choices is on Friday 21 February, 18.00–20.00 in Room G22/26, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. For further information and to attend, please RSVP to with ‘21 Feb acceptance’ in the subject header.