New coalition to shake up protein market

Little large-scale progress has made with regard to sustainable diets, but a new coalition led by Forum for the Future wants to challenge the status quo.

In an extremely ambitious project, running until 2040, the group hopes to move beyond the “polarised debates of the past” and increase the proportion of plant-based protein consumption.

Forum has brought together a coalition, which includes the retailers Waitrose and Target, as well as food manufacturers the Hershey Company and Quorn, to help.

But the so-called “protein challenge 2040” will extend beyond human diets – there are also plans to “find better ways to feed animals” that are increasingly reliant on imported soy.

The partners also want to map protein waste and scale up sustainable aquaculture.

“The way in which we produce and consume protein at the beginning of the 21st century has significant impacts on both the environment and human health, which will only worsen if no action is taken,” the launch report reads. “Key players in industry, government and civil society are beginning to recognise the need for action.”