Vacherin’s first sustainability report reveals commitment to responsible business

LONDON CATERER Vacherin has launched its first Sustainability & CSR Report, Vacherin Cares 2014/15. 












The document attempts to set out its ongoing operational commitment to this crucial area and reveals strong sustainability successes throughout 2014/15.


By ensuring that the business and all its employees, suppliers and partners operate in a responsible and ethical manner, huge savings in carbon emissions, water and waste have been achieved. The health and wellbeing of employees and customers and the welfare of animals have also been a core focus.


Vacherin Cares 2014/15 sets out to demonstrate that sustainability is an intrinsic and ever-evolving way of operating for Vacherin. Highlights include increased recycling by 25% over the past 7 years, to over 75% in 2015, overall carbon emissions reduced by 5%, even with a 20% increase in revenue, over 90% of animal products are now sourced from British farmers, all sites now cook with locally-sourced rapeseed oil, which is turned into biodiesel after use and over 80% of disposables used are compostable or made from recycled products.


Phil Roker, Vacherin’s Commercial Director, added: “Sustainability and CSR is not about being seen to tick the right boxes, it’s about taking positive action to do what’s right for the planet and society. This philosophy underpins how our business has operated from day one. The Vacherin Cares 2014/15 report takes our ongoing commitment to the next level and ensures transparency and accountability. We are very proud of the report and the strong message and results it communicates. All our stakeholders and the wider industry can be very clear on where we stand on sustainability and CSR, and we encourage those in our industry to follow our lead on the transparency and accountability of environmental and social impacts of business operations.


“Keeping up the momentum, for 2015/16 we are increasing our focus on food provenance, nutrition and waste management. The Vacherin Cares report will be produced annually and we look forward to more outstanding results next year.”