Your waistline, your problem

CRITICS NEED to cut chefs a bit of slack when it comes to healthy food. While information and transparency on what’s in meals can always be improved, responsibility for the growing waistlines of most Brits should not be laid at the door of restaurants and foodservice outlets. At least according to John Torode.

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In an interview with Footprint, published in full in next month’s issue, the celebrity chef, best known for his role in reinventing and fronting the TV series “Masterchef”, pulls no punches when it comes to the health agenda.


“Human beings know what makes them fat – they know the whole equation behind food and exercise. If people don’t eat healthily it’s not the fault of the chefs or the marketers or even the supermarkets. I think there is probably something to be said about clarity – what is in things and the honesty about what is in things. But besides that I think people should find a way of being informed and making their own decisions.”


With its huge number of followers, surely “Masterchef” has a responsibility to its audience in relation to promoting healthier, or at least balanced, diets? Not according to Torode. “At the end of the day, we’re not called ‘Masterevangelist’. We’re not called ‘Masterprotester’. And we’re not called ‘Masterawareness’. We’re called ‘MasterChef’. We are just there to find the best amateur cook in the country,” he explains.


The Australian chef also talks about the challenges in making the public aware of sustainability and his support for the Pig Campaign and beef industry.