Waste and resource management sector backs circular economy

NEW RESEARCH commissioned by the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) has found that the resource management sector is embracing the circular economy and the potential financial and environment opportunities it offers.















The report, entitled ‘The Circular Economy: what does it means for the waste and resource management sector?’ was based on the response to an online survey from 612 people as well as 54 interviews with industry leaders.


Based on the results, a key finding was that the majority of the industry view the circular economy as a “huge opportunity” for the sector to make the most of the benefits it could create such as “upskilling the workforce and creating more jobs”.


It also found that the majority of survey respondents agreed, or strongly agreed, with statements linking the circular economy with the need to make resources and waste management more efficient across the sector.


However, it also highlighted that one of the main hurdles stopping organisations from developing in the circular economy was a lack of awareness and poor clarity of terminology. Within the report it states that: “A sense of frustration was apparent from some of those interviewed regarding what they considered to be a slow pace of change, and the fragmented feel to the current approach that lacks clear drive and leadership to move things forward.”


Following the results of the report the CIWM made 5 key recommendations, including:


  • developing, leading and co-ordinating a Circular Economy Action Group with the aim to engage stakeholders
  • developing a Circular Economy Policy Statement which signals to outside stakeholders CIWM’s role in the development of the circular economy
  • embedding the circular economy into the Institution’s training, structures, strategies and future planning
  • acting as a catalyst and facilitator for the dissemination of circular economy developments
  • investing more time and support in other circular economy initiatives such as RSA’s The Great Recovery


If you would like to read the full report click here.