THE 2012 World Water Week in Stockholm has closed with a “vision” capturing the perspective of young water scientists and professionals on the priorities that must be set now in order to achieve water and food security by 2050.
The vision was developed by a group of young professionals who have been interviewing their peers attending the World Water Week, and through gathering input on social media from those following the conference remotely.
The team responsible for the Young Professionals’ Vision collected views, suggestions and opinions on how to address current food, water and energy challenges. The exercise provided attendees with the opportunity to voice their opinions and present their views on how to solve the water and food security challenge.
The general feeling was that the world today was not in the best of shape, with three billion undernourished and 60% of ecosystem services deteriorating. Whats more, up to half of all food produced is wasted.
Whats needed, said the young visionaries, is equal access to safe water, healthy ecosystems and to look beyond the present. Solutions included an increase in investments for sustainable agriculture, less food waste and a better understanding of the link between water, energy and food.
Some one should put this panel in charge of the next global climate change discussions.