WASTE HAS been cut by half at BPs headquarters in Dyce, Aberdeen, thanks to a number of initiatives by its foodservice provider.
Aramark has driven an improvement in resource efficiency, helping BP from a 27% recycling rate in 2008 to 70% in 2012.
Other significant achievements include the diversion of 68 tonnes of food waste from landfill for composting in 2011 and a significant reduction in packaging waste, equating to savings of £32,000.
Aramarks strategy to improve efficiency at BP focused on four core areas: waste prevention, waste segregation, composting and communication and training.
Waste prevention methods included reducing the volume of cardboard in boxes used to transport food. All cardboard cases are now 100% biodegradable and can be recycled.
The increase in recycling has, in part, been achieved through the installation of stations throughout the site that have facilitated the segregation of waste. Small bins at desks were also removed to further encourage staff to use the recycling stations while composting caddies were introduced to all coffee areas. The resulting compost is brought back by BP to use on the grounds as a soil fertiliser, completing the circle.
Willie Rowell, account director for BP at Aramark, said the company was well-placed to comply with the new waste regulations in Scotland, which will eventually see food waste banned from landfill.